BVSc (Hons), BSc (Vet) (Hons), MANZCVSc
Veterinarian (Casual)

Raised in the Blayney District, Howard is a University of Sydney graduate completing a special research year in Parasitology . His first 5 years of clinical practice was intensive small animal practice in Perth where he developed his passion and expertise for surgery and in particular orthopaedics. Howard was admitted to the Australian College of Veterinary Scientists by examination in 1981.During the 1980s Howard turned his hand to the production of sheep and cattle on family farms back in the Blayney District while carrying out veterinary work. In 1987 he purchased the Blayney Veterinary Hospital and set about turning it from the quiet single vet practice to the vibrant multi vet practice it is today. Howard’s areas of expertise range widely from cattle and horse reproduction to parasitology, however over the last decades Howard has been at the cutting edge of orthopaedics ..fractured legs, cruciate surgery and the procedure of TPLO etc .Howard is a wonderful teacher, assists vets from across the state and has mentored many young vets over the decades .These days Howard is farming sheep and cattle in the Neville area and puts his Foot and Mouth Eradication experience into several Australian government committees concerning exotic diseases. His lifetime passion for sport means cycling all around the district and parts of NSW and Victoria. Super proud dad of the amazing Julia and Robert …and now Grandpa to James.